Dear Family and Friends,
We are reaching out to you again this year to extend a helping hand to those less fortunate in our communities of Ajax-Pickering, by way of support to the St. Paul’s on the Hill Food Bank.
The need for support continues to grow especially over the past few years as families continue to struggle through a challenging economy, health issues or other reasons. Anything you can offer to help support this effort is greatly appreciated by many. Please feel free to forward this message to extended family and friends who you think may also be able to help.
Please donate by Friday December 6th
Our plan is to deliver all donations received to the Food Bank on Fri Dec 13 2024. If you are able to help, kindly consider the following options:
- Donation of food: Drop off in the large green marked container along the wall near the north exit at the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex at 1867 Valley Farm Rd. This large container is easily visible and marked accordingly place. A picture is attached here for reference. Alternatively, please send email to either [email protected] or [email protected] to arrange for convenient pick up
- Monetary donation (via cheque): Please be sure to make cheques out to “St. Paul’s on the Hill Food Bank”. Their mailing address is 882 Kingston Rd, Pickering Ontario L1V 1A8. However, in the event of continued labour disruption, we would suggest donation via e-transfer or Paypal, as follows;
- E-Transfer: All e-transfers are automatically deposited directly to the food bank’s account. Please forward to [email protected] . You could also use the link on their website St Paul’s on-the-hill Community Food Bank See DONATE button at the bottom of their page;
- Paypal: They now also accept donations via Paypal. Reference the following link to their home page St Paul’s on-the-hill Community Food Bank
- Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more. See details on their site at St Paul’s on-the-hill Community Food Bank
Their most urgent needs at this time include the following items. Please ensure all donated food items are within the ‘best before’ or expiration dates.
Canned Tuna | Breakfast cereals/oatmeal |
Pancake Mix | Canned tomatoes |
Peanut Butter | Granola bars |
Halal items | Canned fruits |
Canned corn | Tomato paste |
Corned beef | Cooking oil |
Juice | Hygiene products |
Dry beans (chickpeas, kidney) |
Reference their website for a complete list as this changes from time to time: Food Bank | St Paul’s on-the-Hill Community Food Bank | Ajax Pickering | Ontario
All donations (food and monetary) received will be delivered to Lindsey Morrill (Food Bank Director) at St. Paul’s on the Hill Food Bank at 1537 Pickering Parkway, on December 13 2024. No amount of food or monetary donation is too small. All funds received will be used by the Food Bank team to purchase needed items at wholesale cost, and distributed to those in need. All our efforts to collect and deliver your donations are strictly on a volunteer basis.

Thank you very much again for your consideration and any support you could offer, by Friday Dec 06 2024.
We wish you and loved ones the very best of health and happiness, especially during the coming holiday season.
Kind regards,
Rick D’Souza & Fred Dizig
Pickering Squash Club