2025 upcoming events at the Pickering Squash Club

– From Nicole Pirko

The first half of the squash season has been a success and there is much more to come in the new year.  So don’t you dare put your racquet away over the holidays because we have a busy schedule of house leagues, tournaments and lots of clinic opportunities coming up in the new year.  

First up is our Monday Night Singles House League that will be starting up again on Monday Jan. 20th.  I have automatically added everyone from the final round in December so there is no need to sign up if you were participating in the final weeks before the break.  If you are new to the league and would like to participate, simply send me an email and say “I’m in” and I will add you to the list. If you are not sure if you are included, just send me an email and I’ll confirm.  All levels are welcome and the house league is a fun way to meet other players and get a great work out.  

Our doubles house league will also be starting on the week of Jan. 20th.  The sign-up sheet is posted on the board outside the doubles courts.  Please find yourself a partner and add your team to the list!

 Our annual Lee Hanebury Memorial Tournament – Jan. 31, Feb. 1, 2, 2025. I would like to invite you all to participate in the Pickering Squash Club’s annual Lee Hanebury Memorial Tournament on the weekend of Jan. 31-Feb. 2.  This is a tournament weekend you do not want to miss!  Tournament events include Men’s and Women’s singles events levels A-E (This means everyone at every level should play), as well as Doubles Men’s and Women’s B and C draws (you will need to register with a partner).  Women may play both singles and doubles (only required to pay one entry fee) but due to limited court time, men may only play one event.  Your entry fee includes a tournament souvenir, licensed bar, Saturday breakfast and lunch, Saturday night doubles Calcutta (if court time permits) followed by a social night at our local restaurant and lots of squash.  You must register on the Squash Ontario website at: www.squashontario.com (under the “tournament community” tab.  The sign-up deadline is Wed. Jan. 22th but please sign up early to avoid disappointment as some draws WILL fill up fast!  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  

Junior Squash Programs:

Our junior squash program is in full swing and we have added more clinics for juniors of all levels and ages!  All clinics are 12 weeks and the emphasis will be on teaching the kids proper techniques, drills, game play and of course fun!  Here are the details below.  Please sign up early because the clinics fill up fast!

Tuesday’s 4:30-5:30- Advanced Junior Clinic (all ages)

Tuesday’s 5:30-6:30- Intermediate Junior Clinic (Ages 7-14)

Saturday’s 12:30-1:30 – Novice/Beginner (Ages 4-15) 

Saturday’s 1:30-2:30 – Intermediate Junior Clinic (Ages 7-14) this is an additional class for our Tuesday Intermediate players. 

Please contact Nicole to sign up for all Tuesday classes and Sameer for all Saturday classes.

Are looking for some extra training to improve your game, why not try a clinic?  Here are the new clinic dates for various levels starting in Jan. 

Beginner Squash Clinic (men and women) – Wednesday’s 6:00-7:00 – 4 week program – Contact Nicole to sign up

Men’s intermediate Skills Clinic (tournament level C/D) -Thursday’s 6:00-7:00- 6 week program- Contact Sameer to sign up

Mixed Performance Advanced Clinic (tournament level A/B) – Thursday’s 7:00-8:00 – 6 week program – Contact Nicole to sign up

Lastly, our social directors are busy planning this year’s banquet party and we have a date confirmed.  Be sure to add Sat. April 5th on your calendars for this year’s banquet party following our Club Championships Tournament.  More details to come!

I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday and we will see you on the courts in the new year!
