A Note from Nicole:
Hi everyone!
The 2018-2019 squash season is coming and I wanted to send you all an update on the events that will be happening at the Pickering Squash Club. There is lots of information below so get out your calendars and book off these dates!
Gametime On-Line Challenge Ladder
We now have an active on-line challenge ladder available to all squash members! To add yourself to the ladder, simply log into your Game Time account (the account you use to book courts), click on “squash”, click on “All Ladders” (on the right side of the page) and you can add yourself to the ladder. I encourage all singles players to join!! Once the ladder challenges have begun, you will be able to see all recent results as well as where you rank within the club. I will be using this ladder system to schedule Monday night singles house league levels/matches as well as T&D team player rankings etc. My hope is that everyone uses this ladder for every match played as a fun way to improve their game. Players may challenge other players at any rank and can contact players through email on their Game Time account. If you beat a player at a higher rank, you will simply move to that rank while the losing player moves down one spot. Please go in and take a peek…add yourself and I will work out the initial player rankings once everyone has been added.
Monday Night Singles House League
The Monday night singles house league will be starting on Monday Sept. 24th. I have posted the sign up sheet on the board across from court 4. There will be limited spots available so if you don’t have a chance to get to the club in the next couple of weeks, send me an email and I will sign you up. There has been some constructive feedback from players that it can be very frustrating when players are consistently late or not showing up for their matches forcing me to match up players that may have already played. Please be sure that you are fully committed to participating before you sign up to help this house league run smoothly.
Doubles House League
I have posted the doubles house league sign up sheet for all levels on the board in the doubles court area. Start dates and schedules will be determined once the sign up is complete. Please do your best to sign up with a partner to guarantee a permanent position in the doubles house league.
Wednesday Junior Squash Clinic
My junior clinics will now be on Wednesday evenings from 5:00-7:00 for kids ages 6-14 who are interested in learning this sport. We will be starting on Wed. Sept. 12th. I still have spots available but they are filling up fast. Please contact me if you would like to sign someone up or if you are interested in volunteering your time to help out. I really do count on the help of volunteers to keep this program successful and I would really appreciate anyone who would like to volunteer their time on Wednesday evenings.
Club Fun/Social Events
We will be running a number of fun mini-tournaments/events this season for all Squash Club Members. These events will focus on bringing all levels together for an organized “round robin” type of event. Here is a list of our first set of events:
Sat. Sept. 15th – 10:00-11:30 – “Get The Rust Off” Condition Games (Doubles and Singles)
Tuesday Sept. 18th – 6:30-8:30 – “Handicapped” Tournament followed by our AGM (and drinks at the pub!) – Doubles and Singles
Sunday Sept. 30th – 2:00-4:00 – Women’s E Clinic – Sorry boys, this one is only for the women’s “E” singles players!
Friday Oct. 19-21 – Harvest Hit Doubles Tournament – you must register on the Squash Ontario Website
Sat. Nov. 24th – Christmas Fun Tournament and Toy Drive (Doubles and Singles)
Wednesday Dec. 19th – Fun Night Tournament and Social (Doubles and Singles)
Feb. 1-3 – Lee Hanebury Memorial Tournament – mark this on your calendars!
I will have sign up sheets for these events posted shortly on the board across from court 4 in the singles court area!
T&D Leagues
Looks like we will be submitting a Women’s “B” and “D” team, Men’s singles Div. 2 and 4 team and Men’s Doubles Div. 3 and 5 team. We still have some time before registrations are due so please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Lastly, we have a fantastic website. Be sure to check it out at https://pickeringsquash.club. A very special thanks to Terry Bruce for all his hard work in creating and designing the site to keep you all up to date on events going on throughout the season!
See you on the courts,