Hi Everyone!
I hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer and that you’re ready to get back into the “swing” of things for this squash season! I would like to take this opportunity to let you know about the upcoming events that will be happening at the Pickering Squash Club. There is lots of information below so get out your calendars and book off these dates!
Monday Night Singles House League
The Monday night singles house league will be starting on Monday Sept. 18th. I have just posted the sign up sheet on the board across from Court 4. There will be limited spots available so if you don’t have a chance to get to the club in the next two weeks, send me an email and I will sign you up!
Singles Rules and Refereeing Clinic
On Monday Sept. 11th at 7:00pm, we are hosting a rules and refereeing clinic for all levels located in the upper floor meeting room. I strongly encourage every single player to attend! The clinic will cover strokes, lets, no lets, the turning rule and so much more. I am hopeful to see all our T&D and house league players out for this clinic.
Wednesday Night Doubles House League
The intermediate doubles house league will be starting on Wed. Sept. 20th. This is for everyone with or without experience to come out and enjoy this awesome game! You may sign up with a partner or we will do our best to pair you up. If you will not have a chance to make it to the club, send me an email and I will add your name to the list.
Tuesday Night Doubles House League
This is for competitive players that participate in OSDL and tournaments throughout the season. There will be limited spots available and a “try-out” may be scheduled to decide which teams will be participating. If you are interested in playing, add your name/partners name to the list posted outside the doubles courts.
Side note: I have been playing doubles squash for about 10 years. I absolutely love the game. I love the partnership of working as a team, the strategy of having four on a court and the benefits of getting a great work out. If you have never played, I encourage you to give it a try and find out for yourself just how much fun this game can be!
Sat. Junior Squash Program
The Saturday junior program is for kids ages 6-14 who are interested in learning this sport. The program runs for 8 weeks on Saturday mornings from 10:30-12:00. We will be starting on Sat. Sept. 16th. I still have spots available but they are filling up fast. Please contact me if you would like to sign someone up or if you are interested in volunteering your time to help out. I really do count on the help of volunteers to keep this program successful and I would really appreciate anyone who would like to volunteer their time on Saturday mornings to help me out.
T&D Squash League
For those of you who are interested in participating in a competitive/social league I have posted the sign-up sheets in the hallway just outside the singles courts. Registration deadline is fast approaching so please sign up asap so we can decide which divisions we will be participating in this season.
Squash Day in Canada – Sat. Sept. 30th
All over the country, passionate players will be celebrating this wonderful game we play. I will be organizing a fun, non-competitive event in Pickering and I encourage everyone to come out and share their passion for this sport. More details will be coming soon!
Harvest Hit Doubles Tournament
Singles Drop-in Round Robin – Thursday Nights!!
Our singles drop-in round robin is Thursday nights on courts 3 and 4 from 6:00-7:00. This is a fun, non-competitive atmosphere and I encourage all levels to come out and enjoy a good workout and a chance to meet some new players. All levels are welcome, no sign up required.
Beginner Ladies…this ones for you!
I will be running a free beginner clinic for all women in the Pickering area that would like to come out and learn the game. Non-members are welcome! The goal for this clinic is to recruit new players to this wonderful game. The clinic will be held on Sunday Sept. 24 from 2:00-4:00. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to sign up or if you know someone who may be interested in coming out!
Lastly, we have a fantastic website. Be sure to check it out at https://pickeringsquash.club
See you on the courts!